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PerformHappy with Rebecca Smith

Feb 26, 2022

Hey guys, it’s me, Coach Rebecca. Today I want to talk to you about building confidence through imagery.

There are truly six ways to build confidence, but today I want to focus on one of my favorite mental confidence tools. This tool is my favorite because it works, and it works fast.

Feb 19, 2022

Hey everybody, it’s me, Coach Rebecca. Today I want to talk to you about your mental game plan for competition, what is going on in your mind when you’re getting ready to compete, and how much control you happen to have over that. 

So if you’re the kind of person who gets the jitters before a meet or competition,...

Feb 12, 2022

Hey guys, Coach Rebecca here. Do you sometimes catch yourself being negative? That's okay it's completely natural!

This week I want to share with you why your brain is wired to think negatively and how with just a few simple steps we can start to turn that around.

If you'd like to learn to take your negative thoughts to...

Feb 5, 2022

Hey everyone, it's Coach Rebecca! This week I'd like to talk to you about how changing your mental state doesn't have to take a long time! It can be quick and it can be easy, it just takes repetition.

If you'd like to hear some ways to boost your confidence easily before competition join us for this week's podcast!